Tuesday, August 27, 2013

IIFYM Sucks (here’s the proof)

There’s no higher thanks to say this…

The IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) approach to assembling muscle sucks, and for two crucial reasons.

#1: This principle offers the illusion to some those that all calories have identical result on your body – the largest non-sense of this Century.

#2: folks on this approach typically conclude that “moderation is key” (I’ll make a case for below).

Let’s address #1 initial.

I still hear folks from all backgrounds, all ages and every one countries telling Maine that calories area unit created equal. I call bullS%?$.

Of course, some of us can tell Maine that a calorie could be a calorie as a result of it’s simply a unit of energy. They’re right, however that’s not my purpose.

My purpose is that everybody reading this already is aware of that calories  from carbs don’t have identical result on your body as calories  from macromolecule. If not, take a “Nutrition 101” category before you scan on.

But what lots of individuals have a tough time acceptive is that different varieties of foods will have completely different|a special|a unique|a distinct} result on your body thanks to specific micro-nutrients or contaminants.

Let Maine drop some science here…

• Excess ketohexose (from honied carbs) disrupt your leptin secretion and ultimately impact androgen production
• GMO foods (virtually everywhere), gas and halide in water and pesticides area unit all shown to weaken your gut flora – conducive to excess inflammation in your body, slower recovery and smaller muscle gains
• Food, attention product, cosmetics, prescription drugs, pesticides, plastics, water and soil area unit all sources of endocrine disruptors (BPA, dioxins, etc.), that compound to disrupt sex hormone, androgen, thyroid perform and metabolism to some extent

(I’m positive you perceive that for the sake of simplicity, I didn’t include dozens of sources – shoot Maine AN email and I’ll show you the studies)

To this purpose, i believe it’s pretty safe to assume that your food and way decisions can all have an effect on your hormones and gains..

This leads USA to #2 – “moderation is key”.

I nearly fully trust that statement.

Eating natural, unprocessed, whole foods ninetieth of the time can provide you ninetieth of the results, and is arguably healthier for your mind than 100% restriction from any kind of treat or “bad” food.

The problem is – most of the foods in your electric refrigerator and storeroom area unit what I decision “fat storing” foods and you almost certainly don’t even understand it.

Let Maine walk the speak and provides you examples:

1) Grass-fed Beef
Grass-fed beef is filled with the natural fat burner CLA, and contains a lot additional polyunsaturated fatty acid, vitamins and minerals than a budget supermarket kind.

But did you recognize that the term “grass-fed” isn't even regulated by the FDA?

That means that there’s an opening your costly beef has been fed grains in its last 3-4 months before ending up in your plate – nullifying any result the grass diet had within the initial place and leaving you with a meat that contains inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid that slow down your recovery any.

In the the reality regarding Fat Burning Foods, I reveal specifically what claims  guarantee that your beef is actually grass-fed.

2) rice

Everyone tells you that rice is healthier than white rice…

What they forgot to inform you is that rice – particularly rice – contains dangerous levels of arsenic. Yes, the foremost fashionable poison used in the center Age.

Don’t worry. nobody puts arsenic in your food by choice. Rice naturally absorbs arsenic from soil or water way more effectively than most plants, and stores it in its grains.

And since 1960, about 800,000 a lot of inorganic arsenic has been used in agriculture and industries.

Wait, it gets worse. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that rice contributes to only Revolutionary Organization 17 November of your exposure to arsenic, which suggests you almost certainly affected by a nephrotoxic load that promotes fat storage and illness already.

To reduce arsenic content, rinse your rice completely and opt for imported rice over the one full-grown within the USA.

3) vegetable oil

This one isn't a fat-storing food, obviously… vegetable oil is incredibly healthy and one among the simplest you'll use to cook, but it gets costly in no time.

But the issue is – makers sell “raw” vegetable oil for the large price, once indeed raw vegetable oil doesn’t exist. Shipping containers accustomed ship the vegetable oil to the USA by ocean from the tropics reach temperatures of over 130°F.

The bottom line: If you’re paying additional for raw vegetable oil, you’re getting scammed.

4) Fish

A lot of bodybuilders suggest fish as a staple muscle-building food, and for lots of reasons. It’s usually low in calories, very simple to digest and contains a lot of essential polyunsaturated fatty acid.

But not all fish is formed equal.

Farmed fish you’ll realize in most supermarkets contain high levels of PCBs, dioxins, antibiotics and pesticides – that every one take a toll on your gut health and disrupt your androgen.

It additionally contains a minimum of three times less polyunsaturated fatty acid than its wild-caught counterpart – creating it really a awfully poor supply of essential fatty acids…

The obvious selection is to stay with wild-caught fish. The disgustful problem is – a recent study by the University of Washington Tacoma showed that four-hundredth of fish sold-out as “wild-caught” is in fact… farm-raised.

In the the reality regarding Fat Burning Foods, I reveal however you'll build  sure your costly wild-caught fish is really wild-caught and choked with anti-inflammatory polyunsaturated fatty acid.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

Top 5 BANNED foods (Are they in your house?)

Every day, Americans eat a lot of dangerous prohibited ingredients, and chances are you’re one among them.

I don’t mean to scare you, however to easily tell you the reality.

I’ve spent the last 7+ years researching however our food is formed, and discovered dark secrets I even have to inform the globe – notwithstanding it makes Maine the foremost despised professional by the large corporations.

Here’s my high five prohibited ingredients that find yourself in most plates:

1) Ractopamine (in pork)

It’s prohibited within the EEC, China, and Taiwan – however client Reports found this dangerous drug in two hundredth of all pork product.

Oh, and as a aspect note – recent studies additionally found that eighty one of all supermarket meats within the USA area unit contaminated with antibiotic-resistant microorganism that harm your gut flora and slow down your weight loss.

2) rBGH (in milk)

While North American nation, Australia, New Sjaelland, Japan, Israel and every one European Union countries prohibited the employment of rBGH, this secretion used to increase cows’ milk product continues to be employed in all fifty states.

The use of rBGH will increase the amount of IGF-1 secretion within the milk by a minimum of vi folds, increasing risks of varied cancers.

3) GMOs (in nearly everything)

Over fifty countries need labeling of GMO foods, and plenty of of them banned GMOs altogether.

In the US, GMO foods don't seem to be tagged – notwithstanding ninety one of the population seems like they ought to be. and since ninetieth of all soy, corn, canola and sugar (sugar beet) within the USA is currently GMO, Americans eat their weight in GMO foods annually.

The first-ever lifespan feeding study on the potential health risks of GMOs was revealed in Sep 2012. The results of feeding rats GMO corn for 2 years were terribly scary:

• Some rats developed huge tumors that represent twenty fifth of their weight
• Liver harm was up to five times higher within the GMO cluster than within the non-GMO cluster
• Female rats that Greek deity GMOs had a 3X higher risk of premature death

4) atomic number 19 Bromate (in bread)

Called a cancer threat by the CSPI since 1999, prohibited from dozens of countries, this ingredient continues to be employed in bread of late.

5) Chloromycetin (in honey)

This antibiotic used on honey bees has been prohibited within the USA for years, however will still be found in low cost grocery honey (along with serious metals) that comes from China.

The regarding issue is that a recent study found that seventy fifth or additional of all the honey within the U.S. could also be Chinese honey sold-out as yankee honey.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

Diet Case Study (part two)

Alright, nowadays i am back as secure to complete the diet "critique" we tend to left off with yesterday.

To recap, my friend and moot nutrition “Nerd” Nick Pineault sent me this moot diet critique of 1 of his purchasers on the Paleo diet.

Yesterday I showed you Nick’s critique of his consumer "Mark"...here's a sample of what Mark chuck on a typical day:

Breakfast: Cage-free polyunsaturated fatty acid eggs with organic spinach

Snack: rice supermolecule with some “Stevia within the raw”

Lunch: Mixed greens, pigeon breast and homemade oil dressing

Dinner: Grass-fed beef cut seasoned with soy and a medium sweet potato

Evening Snack: Berries with honey

We already coated her breakfast, morning snack, and lunch...and why they all contained flaws...and nowadays we're planning to continue by analyzing the rest of the menu: Nick’s dinner and evening snack selections.

Dinner: Forget everything you detected regarding however beef is finished. Grass-fed beef contains two to four times a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acid, persistently a lot of vitamins and minerals than a budget grocery store kind, and is packed with the natural fat burner CLA.

The problem is: some grass-fed beef ar “grain finished”, which implies they are finished with grains within the last month before being slaughtered.

This method could facilitate the meat farmer build more money – however it truly changes the fat in your grass-fed beef from omega-3s to inflammatory omega-6s and removes the CLA.

Way to pay the premium value for one thing that doesn’t contain what it’s supposed to!

To make positive you purchase the proper fat burning beef, search for “pasture-raised beef” or “grass-fed AND finished beef”.

Evening Snack: There’s no such factor as fat burning sugar, however bound natural sugars like honey ar less finished than processed sugar.

But watch out: a recent study by Food Safety News discerned that seventy fifth of the honey sold-out within the United States could also be faux and doubtless contain the banned antibiotic antibiotic drug and dangerous serious metals.

Always make certain your honey is real by shopping for it domestically, and always buy raw honey rather than the pasteurised kind that’s nothing quite pure sugar.

As you'll be able to see from Nick’s analysis of Mark’s diet – possibilities that you’re consuming plenty of finished foods while not even being responsive to it.

Let Maine tell you, this is often simply the tip of the Iceberg. Nick showed Maine lots of of different shady and scammy foods that find yourself in your refrigerator.

If you would like to be told a way to learn the reality regarding food and remodel your room from fat-storing to fat burning in but twenty four hours, my good friend Nick Pineault tells you ways here:
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

Diet Case Study (part one)

Why his Paleo diet sucks (Diet Case Study)

Nick the “Nutrition Nerd” Pineault sent Maine this diet critique of 1 of his clients who’s on the Paleo diet.

The little-known truths he unconcealed created my jaw drop…

Here's a sample of what Nick’s consumer, Mark, chuck on a typical day:

Breakfast: Cage-free polyunsaturated fatty acid eggs with organic spinach

Snack: rice supermolecule with some “Stevia within the raw”

Lunch: Mixed greens, pigeon breast and homemade oil dressing

Dinner: Grass-fed beef cut seasoned with soy and a medium
sweet potato

Evening Snack: Berries with honey

What Mark is doing right (Nick’s comments):

Mark’s Paleo diet is off to an honest begin as a result of he focuses on natural whole foods. He’s feeding “cleaner” than ninety nine of individuals feeding this manner.

What Mark is doing wrong:

Okay, let's take this meal by meal.

Breakfast: Mark was doing the proper factor attempting to shop for healthier eggs, but he got scammed by selling terms.

“Cage-free” has no legal definition within the United States, that in all probability means that his eggs ar created by hens crammed by thousands within little barns – making eggs with a fraction of the nutrition.

The second downside with those eggs is that the else polyunsaturated fatty acid.

You see, the middle for Science within the Public Interest's freelance science lab tests unconcealed that they contain but half the polyunsaturated fatty acid claimed on the packaging.

But it doesn’t very matter anyway, as a result of the polyunsaturated fatty acid in them is
ALA (from the flax hens ar fed with), that is 800% to 3300% less absorbable than the shape of polyunsaturated fatty acid naturally contained in healthy eggs (EPA and DHA).

If you would like eggs that contain multiple times a lot of nutrients than these cheap cage-free eggs, stick to pasture-raised eggs – which implies that hens ar allowed to wander around outside like they’re imagined to.

Snack: Let’s place it that way: this complete of stevia may be a immense scam.

Stevia within the Raw contains ninety fifth grape sugar – additionally proverbial as… pure sugar. Because the Food and Drug Administration permits any food that contains but four calories per serving to be labelled as “calorie-free”, this product shows portion sizes of 0.5g – 1/8 of a teaspoon – and continues to say it contains zero calories.

Instead of shopping for this forfeit complete, stick to any complete that solely shows stevia on the ingredients list.

Lunch: It’s true: oil may be a nice supply of healthy fats and anti-aging compounds... however provided that you purchase the proper kind.

In 2010, client Reports – one in all the foremost credible and important non-profit organizations fighting for client rights within the United States – unconcealed that around 2 hundredth of all olive oils ar faux and are mixed with different cheap oils.

This terrible scam has been confirmed over again in 2012, once the UC Davis Olive Center discerned that solely twenty seventh of all olive oils passed the quality check to be labelled “extra virgin” – the simplest and most nutritive kind there's.

So again, while not even being responsive to it, your oil would possibly contain up to 100 percent edible fat – stuffed with finished trans fats.

This is already obtaining pretty long, therefore i am planning to choose things up tomorrow and let Nick bring up Mark’s alternative of dinner and evening snack tomorrow (fyi, they additionally suck and i will tell you why).

In the meanwhile, if you would like to be told a lot of surprising truths regarding “healthy” foods in your buttery, my friend Nick Pineault provides you some awesome tips here:
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

The Nutrition assimilator and author of Truth regarding Fat Burning Foods

Claims on eggs cartons may be terribly dishonest .

Free-range... pastured… organic… supplementary lutein… supplementary omega-3…

So which of them area unit the best?

The simple answer is:you need the eggs than come back from the healthiest hens doable.

In alternative words, hens have to be compelled to have access to sunshine and be ready to eat the omnivorous diet they’re presupposed to. Yes, hens area unit really omnivores (mostly insectivores), and don't sometimes eat the grains most farmers feed them with these days.

Eggs raised this manner (“pastured eggs”) pack a lot additional nutrition than regular industrial plant eggs.

• 66% additional antiophthalmic factor
• 200% additional polyunsaturated fatty acid
• 300% additional tocopherol

Very much like beef, eggs’ claims area unit principally not regulated.

For example, a farmer may say that its hens area unit “cage-free” however, in fact, they might still be packed into associate degree overcrowded barn within the dark – resulting in terribly poor life conditions for them and ultimately eggs that contain approach less nutrients in your pushcart.

Also, another dishonest claim (that simply isn’t well worth the more money you pay) is “Added Omega-3”.

It’s true that victimisation flax as a part of poultry ration canincrease the ALA polyunsaturated fatty acid content of fixings fat.

BUT --- there’s a caveat: this sort of polyunsaturated fatty acid is eight to thirty three times less absorbed than the animal-based polyunsaturated fatty acid (EPA and DHA) naturally contained in eggs.

To make it even worse, the middle for Science within the Public Interest’sindependent science laboratory tests unconcealed that certainenriched eggs contain but half theomega-3 claimed on the packaging.

The bottom line: a bit like shopping for grass-fed beef, knowing your egg farmer in person remains the most effective thanks to certify you’re obtaining the nutrition you’re paying a premium for.

“Pastured” and “organic” area unit most likely the 2 labels that i might trust the foremost, however if you’re still doubtful, certify to verify the colour of the vitellus.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

LABEL LIE: Why your beef may NOT be grass-fed at all

Creator and Author of the reality concerning Fat Burning Foods

You probably already apprehend that grass-fed beef has nothing to try and do with its feedlot-raised, grain-fed cousin-german that’s oversubscribed in supermarkets on the biological process facet.

In fact, grass-fed beef contains a pair of to four times a lot of omega-3(essential fatty acids), four times a lot of A and E, a lotmore conjugated linoleic acid/CLA (a natural fat burner), andless fat and calories per pound than regular grain-fed beefyou patronize the grocery store.

Grass-fed animals ar significantly healthier than grain-fed ones, which implies that farmers don’t got to use a part of the fifteen million pounds of antibiotics used on grain-fed oxen simply to stop them from obtaining sick.

Obviously, shopping for quality meat becomes a good plan to enhance your own health and support native farms that care concerning animals.

So what label claim does one explore for at your native Whole Foods to seek out grass-fed beef?

Turns out it’s extremely not that clear.

In the last number of years, the labeling rules have modified quite heap within the beef trade. however after all, only a few customers apprehend that.

Nowadays, makers ar ready to sell grass-fed beef that has been “grain-finished” as 100 percent grass-fed beef.

The problem is: some farmers can feed their oxen grass for many of their lifetime, however “finish”them with grains within the last months before causing them to the shambles.

Because the last ninety to a hundred and sixty days of diet confirm what quantity nutrition your huge,juicy cut can contain, this method removes any advantages the initial grass diet mighthave had.

The bottom line: your beef has to be each grass-fed and grass-finished to contain all the nutrition it’s alleged to.

But as a result of those claims ar still not regulated by the Agriculture, your best insurance is to develop a relationship with a farmer that raises beef the proper manner.

This will offer you confidence that you’re shopping for the proper kind.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here:

IIFYM Sucks (here’s the proof)

There’s no better way to say this…

The IIFYM (If It Fits Your Macros) approach to building muscle sucks, and for 2 critical reasons.

#1: This principle gives the illusion to some people that all calories have the same effect on your body – the biggest non-sense of this Century.

#2: People on this approach often conclude that “moderation is key” (I’ll explain below).

Let’s address #1 first.

I still hear people from all backgrounds, all ages and all countries telling me that calories are created equal. I call bullS%?$.

Of course, some folks will tell me that a calorie is a calorie because it’s just a unit of energy. They’re right, but that’s not my point.

My point is that everyone reading this already knows that calories  from carbs don’t have the same effect on your body as calories  from protein. If not, take a “Nutrition 101” class before you read on.

But what a lot of people have a hard time accepting is that different kinds of foods will also have a different effect on your body because of specific micro-nutrients or contaminants.

Let me drop some science here…

• Excess fructose (from sugary carbs) disrupt your leptin hormone and ultimately impact testosterone production
• GMO foods (virtually everywhere), chlorine and fluoride in tap water and pesticides are all shown to weaken your gut flora – contributing to excess inflammation in your body, slower recovery and smaller muscle gains
• Food, personal care products, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, plastics, water and soil are all sources of endocrine disruptors (BPA, dioxins, etc.), which compound to disrupt estrogen, androgen, thyroid function and metabolism to some degree

(I’m sure you understand that for the sake of simplicity, I didn’t include dozens of sources – shoot me an email and I’ll show you the studies)

To this point, I think it’s pretty safe to assume that your food and lifestyle choices will all affect your hormones and gains..

This leads us to #2 – “moderation is key”.

I almost completely agree with that statement.

Eating natural, unprocessed, whole foods 90% of the time will give you 90% of the results, and is arguably healthier for your mind than 100% restriction from any form of treat or “bad” food.

The problem is – most of the foods in your fridge and pantry are what I call “fat storing” foods and you probably don’t even know it.

Let me walk the talk and give you examples:

1) Grass-fed Beef

Grass-fed beef is packed with the natural fat burner CLA, and contains a ton more omega-3, vitamins and minerals than the cheap supermarket kind.

But did you know that the term “grass-fed” is not even regulated by the FDA?

That means that there’s a possibility your expensive beef has been fed grains in its last 3-4 months before ending up in your plate – nullifying any effect the grass diet had in the first place and leaving you with a meat that contains inflammatory omega-6 that slow down your recovery further.

In the The Truth About Fat Burning Foods, I reveal exactly what claims  guarantee that your beef is really grass-fed.

2) Brown Rice

Everyone tells you that brown rice is healthier than white rice…

What they forgot to tell you is that rice – especially brown rice –contains dangerous levels of arsenic. Yes, the most popular poison used in the Middle Age.

Don’t worry. No one puts arsenic in your food on purpose. Rice naturally absorbs arsenic from soil or water much more effectively than most plants, and stores it in its grains.

And since 1960, about 800,000 tons of inorganic arsenic has been used in agriculture and industries.

Wait, it gets worse. The EPA estimates that rice contributes to only 17% of your exposure to arsenic, which means you probably affected by a toxic load that promotes fat storage and sickness already.

To reduce arsenic content, rinse your rice thoroughly and choose imported rice over the one grown in the US.

3) Coconut Oil

This one is NOT a fat-storing food, obviously… coconut oil is  incredibly healthy and one of the best you can use to cook, but it  gets expensive very fast.

But the thing is – manufacturers sell “raw” coconut oil for the big price, when in fact raw coconut oil doesn’t exist. Shipping containers used to ship the coconut oil to the US by sea from the tropics reach temperatures of over 130°F.

The bottom line: If you’re paying more for raw coconut oil, you’re getting scammed.

4) Fish

A lot of bodybuilders recommend fish as a staple muscle-building food, and for a lot of reasons. It’s generally low in calories, very easy to digest and contains a ton of essential omega-3.
But not all fish is created equal.

Farmed fish you’ll find in most supermarkets contain high levels of PCBs, dioxins, antibiotics and pesticides – that all take a toll on your gut health and disrupt your testosterone.

It also contains at least 3 times less omega-3 than its wild-caught counterpart – making it actually a very poor source of essential fatty acids…

The obvious choice is to stick with wild-caught fish. The revolting problem is – a recent study by the University of Washington Tacoma showed that 40% of fish sold as “wild-caught” is in fact…farm-raised.

In the The Truth About Fat Burning Foods, I reveal how you can make sure your expensive wild-caught fish is actually wild-caught and full of anti-inflammatory omega-3.
In the meantime, if you'd like to learn more SHOCKING truths about “healthy” foods in your pantry, my buddy Nick Pineault gives you some awesome tips here: